
Akaliko is a word in Pali which means timeless.  The work of Akaliko Designs then aims at designing or else engineering for timelessness.  In practical terms, there is an intention for reliable and consistent results in terms of products designed from a mechanical design engineering or else hardware perspective.

Operating Principles & Values

Truthfulness | Prioritize truthfulness over immediate gains

Reliability | Be a reliable partner

Wellbeing | Operate from a sense of wellbeing as a default

Integrity | Operate with integrity with long term in mind

Norvin B. Cuentas

Sole Proprietor | Mechanical Engineering Consultant

{Ex-Vimaan | Ex-Intel Startup Initiatives Team | Ex-Microsoft Surface Pro Team}

An inquisitive Mechanical Engineer with 14 years industry experience, US and Asia manufacturing experience, expertise in CAD, TUM Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt, skilled with technologies found in high-volume consumer electronics, industrial automation, industrial electronics, and associated with various products that have successfully gone to market. 
